Our Core Values
What we are about
Love | Worship | community
Connect with God
We believe that God is real and He really does care about you. The Church is the Body of Christ, founded by God and every believer is part of that body. Victory of Faith is part of that Church. The Bible talks about what a Church should be and our first priority is doing it according to the word of God. The church was created to be a family and God designs it as a way to connect with Him. This church belongs to Him, so we strive to do things His way and make His priorities our priorities, to be a blessing to you.
Connect with One another
God said that we should not give up meeting together. Hebrews 10:25. God want us to fellowship with one another in love and we prioritise a friendly atmosphere that will enable people to connect and develop friendship by the word of God.
Connect with God’s Purpose
We were created with purpose. Every individual has a purpose and God-given gifts and talents. Our happiness in life is going to be related to connecting and actualising our purpose. Everybody in the church is important. The usher, the singer and the pastor are equally important to God and we share and accept responsibility for the care, health and growth of His church.
Connect with the Word
We are on a great adventure of faith in God’s word. We teach and preach the uncompromising word of faith to enable in practical ways that people can apply to their lives for successful living. The faith that wins every time! We live by faith as we continue to learn more about God and His word as well as trust Him completely. We place high premium on an attitude and language of victory because we believe that with God on our side, all things are possible for everyone who believe His word. We hear from God and obey His instructions.
Holy Spirit’s mate
Jesus said the Holy Spirit would lead and guide us these days John 16:13, so we let the Spirit of God lead. God is a Spirit and so are we. Our services have purpose, but not rigid structure. The purpose of our worship is to allow us to have an encounter with God as we allow the Holy Spirit, our friend to take the lead, speak, pray and love through us.
We Exist So People can know and get it
People sometimes don’t know why you believe, they don’t understand why you go to church. They don’t get that God is real. We want people to get it, to know, understand and experience salvation, the Spirit of God, the message of faith and other things about God. We hope you come here and see it, experience it, catch it and then help others know it.
World Wide Vision
We believe that God’s vision is a global vision and so is ours. To this end, we shall use every available tool to reach this world for Christ, until all the families of the world are blessed. This global vision, we believe is an extension of the work of Victory of Faith Christian Centre, to cover the earth.